Posted by5 years ago
- Gtx 750 Ti Sli
- Evga Nvidia Gtx 750 Ti
- 750 Ti Sli Review
GTX 750 Ti FTW, NO SLI. Back on topic: I'm honestly surprised nobody has managed to develop a driver hack to allow running two GTX 750 Ti's in SLI. For PC on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'why arent the gtx 750, 750 TI SLI compatible??' Hi everyone ive installed the hyper sli on my Gigabyte B75E D3H with 2 gtx470 and a Intel I5 3470, but now one of my gtx's has been broken due overheating and i want uninstall the hypersli.
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5x Nvidia 750 Ti EVGA Rig with Mods
I finally have something worthwhile to share with all of you that have helped me so much. I've built 2 5x 750Ti rigs using both the EVGA cards, the first one was without the PCIE power, the second one is the FTW version with double fans and external power. All are on powered risers. I did note that the ones plugged into a pure 16x slot do give about +15 khs. The external powered ones don't do any better than the ones without external power. And they are both running sub 60C, so there's really no point in buying premium. I've run them on both sempron and FX8350 processors with no difference at all. The single fan EVGA cards purr along at 1498 khs combined on 340 watts to the wall with a Sempron processor all using 1x-16x powered risers (+100core +500mem). The dual fan EVGA cards pull 365 at the wall hashing at 1528 khs combined (+20core +500mem) so the core doesn't seem to make much of a difference. The only notable boost comes from the 16x slots. -I T5x24 is the best config I've found. is not responsible for third party website content. It is illegal for you to distribute copyrighted files without permission. Mendichya panavar vol 3 marathi songs. is Media search engine and does not host any files, No media files are indexed hosted cached or stored on our server, They are located on soundcloud and Youtube, We only help you to search the link source to the other server.
Here is a complete package of everything you should need to mine at 300+ on a 750 Ti card.
And if you want to create it yourself, these are the extra tips you should know.
Tip #1 Install Chrome and Feedly, then enable Chrome to run in the background. Yes, the chrome trick works, but feedly runs in the background and makes it so you don't have to configure chrome to launch at start-up. Here's a link for chrome: and Feedly:
Jvc everio gz mg21u. Still images left a lot to be desired, unfortunately, earning an overall score of Poor. The GZ-MG155's low-light assist lamp worked almost perfectly in informal testing when the camcorder moved from bright to low-light areas.
Tip #2 Upgrade your bios to unlock it's full power. A) Use GPU-Z to download your bios, SAVE it in at least two places. B) Use the Kepler BIOS Tweaker to open the Bios. C) Edit the Power Table tab, the top and bottom sections. The Ded and Max values should all be 65500. Like this and save the Rom. (Use a very descriptive file name!) D) Make a Dos Flash drive. E) Copy the Nflash directory to your dos flash drive. F) Copy your stock bios to the Nflash directory and save as bak.rom (overwriting the one in there) copy your modified bios to the Nflash directory as mod.rom G) Boot from the flash drive, (you might need to press F12 or something to boot from a non-standard device) c:> CD Nflash c:> Flash H) Reboot and enjoy your unlocked card! This should give you +20 without overclocking. As much as +50 with a +650 mem clock
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Mod Edit: 1.6 Link here
Different SLI [AUTO] - SLI for different cards.
What is it?DifferentSLIAuto is a small, free tool that allows you to pair together different GPUs of similar generation/architecture to work together in SLI
*It can also enable SLI on some non SLI/Crossfire compatible motherboards, making it a replacement for the now discontinued HyperSLI program
***Mixing different VRAM sizes may cause some instability or stop SLI from functioning properly.
**The use of SLI on non multi-GPU motherboards is not guaranteed.
Before you get started, you will want to check compatibility based on architecture.
In your Windows device manager. Right click on your display adapter and go to properties. Switch to the 'Details' tab, and in the combo box select 'Hardware Ids.'
The first three numbers following '
DEV' must match for the cards to work together.
As an example :
1185.098A.10DE = 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660'
1185.106F.10DE = 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760
The following is a list of current and some past Nvidia cards.
If you meet the requirements, use the link below to download Different SLI [AUTO]
Download -
Anti-virus note - Some virus modules will produce a false positive concerning DifferenSLIAuto 1.1
For example, Malware Bytes states :
DifferentSLIAuto1.0/tools/Checksum.exe as being malicious.We suggest making an exception in your anti-virus program. For MBAM in particular, you remove it from your quarantine and then goto your 'Ignore' tab. Browse to the file and confirm to have MBAM ignore it in the future.
Windows 10 note provided by TPU member:
(Please understand that currently we haven't any one to test this to confirm their findings. If you use Windows 10 and these types of cards with success, report in and we can take away this notification).
'NVIDIA cards have two separate (and incompatible) classes/model versions. Although they may have worked together in previous versions of windows, they will not work in Windows 10. Fermi class cards, which means all 500 and below and some 600 series cards cannot be used in Windows 10 with Maxwell class cards - some 600 and all 700 series cards and up. Windows 10 will not load Fermi and Maxwell drivers at the same time.
Please see this page for details:
This is not an issue with Different SLI. This is not necessarily an issue with NVIDIA drivers. This is an issue with Windows 10 not being able to load WDDM 1.3 mode drivers and WDDM 2.0 mode drivers simultaneously. It won't even work with Microsoft's native drivers. I was really disappointed when I followed all instructions and everything seemed to be working until I looked at device manager and saw the driver for my second card wouldn't load. Sadly, I'll have to forgo using different sli until my husband upgrades his GPU again. Good luck to all.'
Should you have any questions, please respond here or contact our member Ember
Original author/engineer - Anatomylik
Current engineer - Ember

Forum support - Fourstaff
Publicist - newconroer
Version 1.0:
Version 1.1:
Gtx 750 Ti Sli
Old Method DifferentSLI 320.18 modded driver. (Enabling different cards in SLI)
Please note this is no longer necessary except for testing purposes. If you are having problems with the new method - tell us about it!
To install:1) Install original drivers (it's neccessary to install the same version as modded driver)
2) Put cards together you want to SLI
3) Reboot
4) Download the modded driver
5) Log in as Administrator
6) UAC must be disabled
7) run Install.cmd
8) reboot
296.10 Windows Vista&7 x64
301.42 Windows Vista&7 x64
310.70 Windows Vista&7 x64
314.22 Windows Vista&7 x64
320.18 Windows Vista&7 x64There is a link to a movie and screenshots below.Evga Nvidia Gtx 750 Ti
750 Ti Sli Review
SLI movie with different cardsCredits:
Original author/engineer - Anatomylik
Forum support - Fourstaff
Publicist - newconroer[/spoiler][/spoiler]